Wednesday, January 30, 2013

so you say you don't like beets?

dad and i have never been picky eaters by any means, but the one thing he has never liked are beets. "they taste like dirt".  because of this, i never really gave them a chance, and rather assumed that i wouldn't like them either.  i started hearing about how awesome beets are for you: they help your mental health, apparently help fight cancer and heart problems, are very detoxing etc. etc. etc.   
overall this salad is killer!  

    Warm beet and goat cheese salad (1-2 serving)

 - 1 can of beets (fresh are better, but obviously not as simple and lazy)
 - 1/2-1 whole avocado
 - crumbled up goat cheese
 -  almonds or walnuts
 - dried cranberries or cherries
 - arugula, spinach, any kind of dark leafy green (like a pre packaged spring mix)

 dressing (see below) v v v

canned beets are super inexpensive (60ish cents)! just drain and eat. but watch it- they are a natural dye, so the juice will stain!

dressing:  balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, honey, orange juice, salt, pepper
-whisk it all together and make sure there's a balance of sweet, citrus, acid and tang.  like i said (before), if you have a well-stocked kitchen, all you'd really need to buy is the orange
or, if you remember from (this) post, it's easy to pre-make a standard balsamic dressing that you can use for so many different things (i used this and thinned it out with more oj and vinegar)

dip the canned beets in the dressing and place on a saucepan at, mmm..? medium heat.  (when in doubt,  put it at medium).  cook both sides for around 5ish minutes, so that they start to get a nice sticky caramelization.  

what's really easy is to always have a bag of mixed nuts and dried fruits.  you can find these usually around the produce section by the lettuce.  having this and goat cheese may seem like a stretch for a college budget, but if you're a salad lover like i am, you can get a good 8-10 salads out of both. 
(goat cheese $3.50 ish, nut mix 2.98isn)

cut up the avo and put it on the lettuce with the remaining dressing....gettin therrree!

this salad is crazy good.  the earthiness of the beets, with the sweet and tangy dressing, the creamy goat cheese melting on top of the warm sticky beets, the fresh crisp of the lettuce, the dried berries absorb the juice, the crunch of the almonds....uh! 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

getting started

in order to make cheap food taste good, you have to stock up your pantry.  things that i always have and suggest you should, too:

-olive oil
-an onion
-a head of fresh garlic (lasts for a long time)
-brown sugar
-vinaigrette (mainly balsamic and apple cider)
-dijon mustard
-lemon or lime (or both!)
-soy sauce
-peanut butter
-cayenne pepper
-curry powder
-chili powder

((((post not finished)))!!!!

simple balsamic dressing that goes well on TONS
-balsamic vinaigrette
-dijon mustard
-lemon juice
-minced garlic
-tiny bit of honey
-olive oil

on sale at hy-vee

so much Hy-Vee food on sale found here from 1/23-1/29

What you can do:
-Baked salmon with blablba or tilapia fish tacos blaba
(((recipe and pics))))
Roasted carrots BLABLA
(((recipe and pics)))
roasted garlic bread BAA;ALAL
(((recipe and pics))
romaine salad with homemade dressing (((i'll teach later)))))

-------obviously unfinished post-----

get hungry, bulldogs!

let's face it, a college kid's gotta eat.  but it's hard.  we get sick of cereal; we get sick of eating peanut butter from a jar along with maybe a handful of walmart torilla chips, a pickle and calling it dinner;  and sometimes we even get sick of mcdoubles.  my goal for this blog is to give college kids living off campus ideas of how to make inexpensive food taste good; especially those who say "amen" to ramen.

...or you can eat this?